Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Tomorrow is our national day of giving thanks here in the U.S. - a day that is traditionally celebrated by having a huge meal of turkey with family and friends. Those who enjoy the sport of football also spend the day watching it on TV. When I was growing up my mother usually made the meal at our house, and the relatives would pile in from all around the city and outlying areas. Everyone lived close in those days.

For me personally every day is a day to give thanks, as I am very grateful for not only having a roof over my head and food on the table, but also for my friends and family. With the ever increasing storms that get more powerful each year, one never knows when tragedy will occur and everything could be taken away.

So I want to let you all know how grateful I am to have you in my life - all the new friends that I am making from around the world and those I have been reconnected with. I enjoy our conversations and am grateful for your support.

To my family so far away I am sorry that the distance keeps us from celebrating this day of Thanksgiving together, and I hope and pray that you will all have a safe and wonderful time tomorrow. Be good to one another - and send us lots of pictures and videos.

Thanks for reading - see you in a few days.

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